Usage ##### PreProcessing ************* This step removes artifacts and contaminate sequences from you data in an effort to speed up and improve the quality of the resulting assemblies. 1. Run ```` * You will be asked to provide * Forward read file - The filename of a fastq file (gzipped is ok) containing the forward reads from sequencing * Reverse read file - If you performed paired-end sequencing, this is the filename of the fastq file containing the reverse read. Note, that the reads must be in matching order to the forward read file and the read ids should be the same (characters after a space in the read id are ignored for matching purposes). * Output directory - The location where the processed files will be stored * Output prefix - The basename of the output files (typically the project or strain name) * Host reference - Either a FASTA file or the basename of a Bowtie index. Sequences will be aligned to this reference and any that match will be removed from the analysis. This is typically used to remove host contamination. * The script will generate a makefile in the specified output directory called ````. 2. Execute resulting makefile * You can view the resulting makefile to see the various parameters that will be used and edit any configuration options. * Running ``make -f`` will execute the various preprocessing steps. You make take advantage of multiple processors by using the ``-j N`` options to specify the number of threads for ``make`` to use. * To cleanup intermediate files: ``make -f clean`` The PreProcessing consists of the following steps. After each step, FastQC is run to generate a summary of the result. 1. Run `Cutadapt `_ to trim adapter sequences from the ends of reads. (Intermediate, output is discarded). 2. Run `Fastx Toolkit `_'s artifact filter to remove low complexity sequences. 3. If paired reads are used, match up paired reads and set unpaired reads aside. 4. Map reads using `Bowtie `_ to the specified host reference, keeping only those reads (or pairs) that did not map. Short Read de novo Assembly *************************** This step uses the `SSAKE `_ short read assembler to build contigs from the preprocessed reads. It does this by running SSAKE with various parameter settings and combining the results. 1. ```` 2. Run :ref:`` to cleanup intermediate fasta files (interactive, do NOT use qsub) *TODO - Additional Detail Needed* Contig Assembly *************** The resulting contigs from the previous SSAKE assemblies are often redundant and can be stitched together using a long-read assembler. We have had success using `Gap4 `_ from the `Staden `_ package. 1. Assemble ``ssake_combined.contigs`` (using Gap4 or other long read assembler) *TODO - Additional Detail Needed* Reference Guided Scaffold Assembly ********************************** Once you have generated the best contigs you can with `SSAKE `_ and `Gap4 `_, the next step is to put them together into a scaffold. To do this, VAMP utilizes the reference genome of a similar strain to determine how to order the contigs. Align Contigs to Reference ========================== The first step is to align contigs to a reference genome and output the result in a `MAF `_ formatted file. There are many options for alignment tools, however, we have had success with `Mugsy `_, a very fast multiple whole genome alignment tool. Stitch Together Scaffold ======================== Once you have aligned the contigs to the reference, the next step is to stitch together the various alignment blocks into a scaffold. The :ref:`` utility does this by reassembling the reference sequence from the MAF blocks and using the highest scoring block for each location in the genome to assemble a scaffold genome. Output: * Aligned Fasta File - ```` This file contains an aligned fasta file created by stitching together MAF blocks based on the reference sequence. Where two blocks overlap, the higher scoring block is used. Optional Output (one per species): * Consensus Sequence - ``SPECIES.consensus.fasta`` A FASTA file containing the consensus sequence for this species. N's in the sequence represent sections where no contigs mapped to a section of the reference (i.e. potential gaps in the scaffold). * Consensus Contig Composition GFF - ``SPECIES.consensus_contig_composition.gff`` GFF formatted file describes intervals in the SPECIES genome. The attributes contain information about the contigs used to determine the sequence in this interval. The attributes are: * src_seq * src_seq_start * src_seq_end * src_strand * src_size * maf_block * block_start * block_end * ref_src * ref_start * ref_end * ref_strand * Consensus Contig Composition Summary - ``SPECIES.consensus_contig_composition_summary.txt`` Tab delimited file with the following columns that describes intervals in the SPECIES genome and the contigs that were used for the sequence. * seq - sequence id of the interval in the SPECIES genome * start - start position of the interval * end - end position of the interval * contig - contig id that was used to "build" this interval. If *None*, that means no contig was found for the analagous region in the reference. * contig_start - the start position of the contig that aligned to this start interval * contig_end - the end position of the contig that aligned to the end position of this interval * contig_strand - the direction that the contig aligned to the reference (if '-', the reverse complement of the contig aligned to the reference in this interval) * contig_size - the full size of the contig (including those bases that did not aligned to this interval) Genome Annotation and Comparison ******************************** Once a draft of a genome has been completed, it can be useful to migrate annotations from an annotated reference to the new genome. In addition, this step generates a summary of the changes at the nucleic acid as well as amino acid level. Run :ref:`` to migrate annotations and generate a list of differences between two species. The script requires an aligned fasta file (typically use the one generated from the previous scaffold stitching step) and a GFF file of features (genes, exons, etc.) to migrate.